The Brand

Futurewise stands as a formidable force in Washington state, tirelessly working to cultivate healthy, equitable, and opportunity-rich communities while safeguarding our invaluable farmlands, forests, and water resources through strategic land use policies and practices. 

For over thirty years, Futurewise has been a steadfast steward of the Growth Management Act (GMA), collaborating with diverse rural and urban communities across the state to shape a future that is both just and sustainable.

The Challenge

Futurewise, a prominent advocate for healthy and equitable communities in Washington state, encountered a pressing challenge in its quest to enhance its digital presence and engagement strategies. 

Despite its longstanding commitment to promoting sustainable land use policies and fostering community involvement, Futurewise faced the daunting task of revamping its outdated website to better serve its diverse stakeholders and advance its mission in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

The Goal

The primary goal was to design and develop a comprehensive website for Futurewise that would serve as a catalyst for engagement and action. The website needed to:

  • Clearly articulate Futurewise’s mission, values, and impact.
  • Provide accessible information about the GMA and other key initiatives.
  • Engage users through compelling storytelling and multimedia content.
  • Facilitate community involvement and advocacy efforts.
  • Showcase the breadth of Futurewise’s services and expertise.

In essence, the goal was to create a digital platform that would empower individuals and communities to participate in shaping a more sustainable and equitable future for Washington state.

The Solution

Stellify conceptualized and executed a website that would encapsulate the organization’s ethos and amplify its impact. Drawing inspiration from Futurewise’s commitment to forward-looking land use policies and practices, we crafted a visually captivating and user-centric design that prioritized accessibility and engagement.

Key elements of the solution included:

  • Clear Navigation & Information Architecture

We developed an intuitive navigation structure that guided users through the website’s wealth of information, ensuring easy access to key resources and initiatives.

  • Multimedia Content

Leveraging the power of storytelling, we incorporated multimedia elements such as videos, interactive maps, and infographics to bring Futurewise’s work to life and foster deeper connections with visitors.

  • Multimedia Engagement

Community Engagement Tools: To facilitate community involvement, we integrated features such as interactive forums, event reminders, and action alerts, empowering users to take meaningful action on issues that mattered to them.

  • Responsive Design

Recognizing the diverse range of devices used by visitors, we implemented a responsive design approach, ensuring optimal performance and usability across desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

  • Accessibility Compliance

Committed to inclusivity, we adhered to web accessibility standards, making the website accessible to users of all abilities.

The result was a dynamic and impactful website that served as a hub for advocacy, education, and collaboration. With its user-friendly interface, unique content, and robust features, the Futurewise website became a vital tool for advancing the organization’s mission of building healthy, equitable, and opportunity-rich communities throughout Washington state.